Saturday, August 9, 2014

I can pickle that.

As I mentioned earlier on the blog, I have a CSA this summer with Harmony Valley Farm. Every week, the season's best veggies are mine to enjoy (straight from the Viroqua, WI farm to my Near East Side of Madison neighborhood).

Occasionally my CSA box leaves me in a "WTF" moment. Items like collard greens, kale, broccoli rabe, and rainbow chard are things that would never make it into my grocery store cart. But when they arrive with my CSA share, it means I have to get creative. Another peculiar item for me this year was dill. My friend Caitlin recommended refrigerator pickles, so I opted to try my luck.

Success! #pickleselfie
If you would have asked me 4 years ago if I ever thought I'd be living in Wisconsin and pickling things for fun, my answer would have been no. But you know what? My life here is pretty great, and now my life is a little better because I know how to make pickles. And now you can too:

Disclaimer: I don't really cook. I was pretty much winging it. That's why there are no quantities or measurements.

Aviva In Dairyland's Refrigerator Pickles: A Non Recipe
Use a large tupperware container and fill it up with a 2:1 ratio of water and white vinegar. Then, add in sliced cucumbers, a whole bunch of dill, sliced garlic, and red pepper flakes. Let them sit in the fridge for a few days.

THAT'S IT. See, I told you I don't cook. Happy pickling!

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